Sermons on Matthew (Page 9)

Keep An Open Hand (Matthew 6:16-24)

September 16, 2012Passage:  Matthew 6:16-24Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Possess things, don’t be possessed by things. I. Spiritual living requires self-discipline.  (16-18)            A. Fasting is a spiritual discipline.            B. Disciplines help us live according to plan. II. Spiritual living requires a clear goal.  (19-21)            A. Gathering things for this world results in loss.            B. Gathering…

Jesus’ Model Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)

September 9, 2012Passage:  Matthew 6:5-15Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Prayer is conversation with a kind and loving God. I. Prayer is conversation with God.            A. Prayer is not posing for people.            B. Prayer is not babbling in boredom.            C. Prayer is hearing the heart. II. Jesus offers a model prayer.            A. Address your prayer to…

Secret Service (Matthew 6:1-4)

August 26, 2012Passage:  Matthew 6:1-4Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  God is the only One Who’s approval is worth having. I. Practice your righteousness before God.            A. We are called to do good works.            B. So help someone in need.                        1.  Watch a child for a parent suddenly called away.                        2.  Help in community service projects.                       …

Be Perfect (Matthew 5:31-48)

July 29, 2012Passage:  Matthew 5:31-48Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  God’s children reflect God’s grace to a fallen world. I. God’s holiness is a high standard.  (31-37)            A. He has already addressed anger and lust.            B. Divorce violates God’s design and will.            C. Promises must be kept without deceit. II. God’s creatures fall short of His…

God Does Not Grade On A Curve (Matthew 5:17-30)

July 15, 2012Passage:  Matthew 5:17-30Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Righteousness depends on God’s standard, not ours. I. God has declared the standards of righteousness.            A. Jesus affirms the revelation of God.            B. Jesus reveals the righteousness of God. II. Examine your attitude toward those you don’t like.            A. Anger betrays an unrighteous heart.            B. Unrighteousness…

The Blessing of God (Matthew 5:1-16)

July 8, 2012Passage:  Matthew 5:1-16Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  The meek really will inherit the earth. I. The Lord’s sermon shows God’s perspective.            A. Many interpretations have been offered.                        1.  Soteriological – how to be saved.                        2.  Sociological – how to change culture.                        3.  Penitential – for convicting of sin.                        4.  Ecclesiastical – how the…

Keep Your Eye On The Ball (Matthew 4:12-25)

June 24, 2012Passage:  Matthew 4:12-25Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Do not be distracted from the work of the Savior. I. The church advances in persecution.            A. The world is upside down.            B. The saints suffer. II. The church declares a life-changing message.            A. The message is a call to repent.            B. The message is a…

Temptation (Matthew 4:1-11)

June 17, 2012Passage:  Matthew 4:1-11Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Temptation comes in ways we can anticipate. I. Jesus defeats the temptation to serve Himself.            A. The Devil suggests Jesus take charge.            B. Jesus yields to the will of the Father. II. Jesus defeats the temptation to exalt Himself.            A. The Devil suggests Jesus obey Scripture.           …

Dying To Pride (Matthew 3:1-17)

June 10, 2012Passage:  Matthew 3:1-17Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  Humility allows God to bring His blessing into your life. I. A king has a forerunner.  (1-6)            A. John fulfills prophesy.            B. John was a Nazirite.            C. John prepared the people. II. A king looks for loyalty.  (7-12)            A. John rebukes their unbelief.            B. John warns…

Protection In The Midst Of Pain (Matthew 2:1-23)

May 27, 2012Passage:  Matthew 2:1-23Speaker:  Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point:  God’s ways may be hard to understand but not His love. I. Jesus is the rightful King.  (1-8)            A. The magi knew He was King.            B. Herod knew He was King. II. Wise men worship the King.  (9-15)            A. The Lord will lead.            B. The Lord…