Series: Character Lessons From the Bible
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Intellectual honesty will lead you to the truth.
Series: Character Lessons From the Bible
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Intellectual honesty will lead you to the truth.
December 15, 2019Passage: Matthew 1:22-23; Isaiah 7 & 9Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: God’s plan to be with his people is fulfilled in the Messiah, Jesus. I. Saving us from sin’s death-grip has always been God’s plan. A. All sin is punished, but grace is offered. B. The result of sin is spiritual blindness and death.…
Passage: Matthew 18:21:35
Speaker: Rodney DeJager
Main Point: If we have been given forgiveness, then we have forgiveness to give.
July 22, 2018Passage: Matthew 7:1-6Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Always speak the truth in love. I. Do not judge. (Matthew 7:1-5) A. Judging is pronouncing guilt or innocence according to your own standard. B. Jesus commands us not to judge one another. 1. The motive— (because we care) 2. The words— (do not use harsh…
December 31, 2017Passage: Genesis 3:1-9; Romans 5:12-21; Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-38Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Jesus is uniquely able to be the Savior of mankind. I. The penalty for sin began with Adam. (Genesis 3:1-9) A. Knowledge is learned intellectually and experientially. B. The world and mankind were cursed through Adam. II. Forgiveness is found…
December 24, 2017Passage: Matthew 5:1-12Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The brokenness of the world is made right by Jesus Christ. I. Those that are taught have strength from the truth. A. The crowds came to Jesus. B. Jesus taught them. II. Those that are in Christ are not victims of circumstances. A. The poor in spirit…
December 17, 2017Passage: Matthew 1:20-25Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The divine glory takes on humanity to save us from our sins. I. The problems of the world started at the beginning. A. The world and its people were made perfect. B. The people believed a lie and rebelled. C. The difficulties we face are part of…
November 5, 2017Passage: Matthew 20:20-28Speaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: Love for one another seeks to serve rather than suppress. I. People seek significance. (20-23) A. James and John ask for a place of power. B. Many people want to be in charge. C. Many fail to grasp the cost. II. People resent significance. (24) A.…
May 28, 2017Passage: Matthew 13:1-23Speaker: Rodney DeJagerMain Point: Your reception of God’s word is determined by the condition of your heart. I. The path. (v 19) A. The path represents a hard heart. B. This heart is filled with confusion. (Ephesians 5:15-17) II. The rocky soil. (v 20-21) A. The rocky soil represents a shallow…
April 16, 2017Passage: The GospelsSpeaker: Pastor Bill KnepperMain Point: The resurrection is an irrefutable fact. I. Jesus was declared to be dead. A. John 19:31-37; He was pierced. B. Mark 15:42-45; The centurion testified. C. John 19:39-42; He was wrapped with 75 lbs. of spices. II. A tomb was available and used. A. Matthew 27:59-60; …