Forgive Us Our Sins (Daniel 9:1-27)

March 20, 2011Passage:  Daniel 9:1-27Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  A prayer of confession removes the hand of judgment. I. Daniel’s discovery leads to prayer.         A. He learns of God’s promise in Jeremiah.  (Jeremiah 25:11-12; 29:10)         B. He prays concerning what he has learned.                  1.  He prays with passion.                  2.  He confesses sin.                  3.  He identifies with…

This Too Shall Pass (Daniel 8:1-27)

March 13, 2011Passage:  Daniel 8:1-27Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Every evil thing will come to an end to the glory of God. I. Daniel’s ram is the kingdom of Medo/Persia.         A. The kingdom was the result of joined power.                  1.  The kingdom of the Medes was first.                  2.  The kingdom of Persia was second and stronger.                 …

Bible Prophecy is Amazingly Accurate (Daniel 7:1-28)

March 6, 2011Passage:  Daniel 7:1-28Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God’s Word is completely true so trust it. I. Daniel’s book combines history and prophecy.            A. Chapters 1-6 are mainly history.            B. Chapters 7-12 are mainly prophecy.            C. Daniel is called a key to Bible prophecy.            D. Chapter 7 gives us a wide–angle view. II. The four…

When Bad Things Happen to Good People (Daniel 6:1-28)

February 27, 2011Passage:  Daniel 6:1-28Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God always has the last word. I. Our conduct should be superior.  (1-9)            A. Daniel could only be trapped not caught.            B. All we do should be done for Christ. II. Our convictions should be sound.  (10-15)            A. Daniel knew, but did not compromise.            B. We obey…

Handwriting on the Wall (Daniel 5:1-31)

February 20, 2011Passage:  Daniel 5:1-31Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God is patient, but eventually everyone will give an account. I. God is patient to a point.  (1-4)            A. Belshazzar was becoming arrogant.            B. God is patient with me and the other guy. II. God is clear if you’ll look.  (5-12)            A. God wrote it on the…

Pride Goes Before Destruction (Daniel 4:1-37)

February 13, 2011Passage:  Daniel 4:1-37Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God cares enough about our character to change it. I. God exposes the pride of Nebuchadnezzar. (1-27)II. God humbles Nebuchadnezzar.  (28-37)            A. His condition would last 7 periods of time.            B. It is called Boanthropy—acting like an animal because you think you are one.            C. He recovers …

A Really Hard Day at the Office (Daniel 3:1-30)

February 6, 2011Passage:  Daniel 3:1-30Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God wants you to be faithful, not famous. I. Real faith trusts God for any outcome.            A. Challenges to faith arise suddenly.            B. People of faith trust completely.            C. God will do what is perfect. II. Trials lead to mature faith.            A. Be faithful!            B. Be available!           …

The World in His Hands (Daniel 2:31-49)

January 30, 2011Passage:  Daniel 2:31-49Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  God controls the future and your life. I. Daniel’s prophecy has been literally fulfilled.            A. The statute represents four world powers.             B. History proves Daniel was right. II. God is bringing all things to a conclusion.            A. The Rock is cut out without hands.  (1 Corinthians…

God Is Never Limited by Circumstances (Daniel 2:1-30)

January 16, 2011Passage:  Daniel 2:1-30Speaker:  Bill KnepperMain Point:  Keep a view on what God is doing around you. I. Life presents great challenges.            A. Nebuchadnezzar offers an ultimatum.            B. Challenges still confront the people of God. II. Meet great challenges with great faith.            A. Daniel saw how God could be glorified.            B. Discover God’s agenda…