September 23, 2018Passage: Revelation 18:1-24Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: Gain made at the abuse of others is not God’s design. I. The world’s commerce is judged by God. (1-8) A. Babylon the Great represents commerce ruled by greed. B. The saints are called to escape the judgment. II. The world’s leaders have profited from persecution. (9-20) …
September 16, 2018Passage: Revelation 17:1-18Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The lie of false religion is used and then destroyed by the beast. I. The name of the prostitute is shocking to the Apostle. (1-6) A. The prostitute conspires with the rulers of the world. B. The prostitute is adorned with the fruits of her sin. C.…
September 9, 2018Passage: Revelation 16:1-21Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The end of the tribulation is the end of patience for a Just God. I. The Lord judges the people who have rebelled. (1-7) A. They are judged with sores. B. They are judged with blood and the loss of food. C. They are judged with the…
September 2, 2018Passage: Revelation 15:1-8Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: God is perfect in justice so worship Him only. I. The judgment of the earth is about to conclude. (1-2) A. A third sign reveals the completion of God’s wrath. (Revelation 12:1; 12:3) B. Those that have won the victory are gathered in heaven. (Revelation 4:6; 15:2)…
August 26, 2018Passage: James 3:1-12Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: I need the transforming power of Jesus to change my thoughts and my words. I. A perfect God made you to represent Him. A. Greater knowledge results in greater accountability. (2 Corinthians 5:10; Matthew 12:36) B. The perfect God does powerful things with His words. C. Sinful…
August 12, 2018Passage: Revelation 14:12-20Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38) I. A firm faith sustains us through hard times. (12-13) A. The saints are called to persevere. B. The just shall live but the unjust will perish. (John 3:16) II. A day has been set…
August 5, 2018Passage: Revelation 14:6-11Speaker: Bill KnepperMain Point: In every age everyone must choose God or wrath. I. The first angel declares the eternal gospel to everyone. (6-7) A. The gospel is the good news. B. The gospel message has changed through the ages. 1. Genesis 3:15, 21—in the Garden of Eden 2. Genesis 8:1—with…
July 15, 2018Passage: James 2:14-26Speaker: Josh HollandMain Point: A living faith walks and rests in Christ in all situations. I. God’s power for all your life is accessed with faith (v.14-17) A. The Bible describes faith in God. 1. Faith is to go to God for rescue. 2. Faith is to lean on God for…