March 02, 2025
Passage: Exodus 3-4
Speaker: Pastor Josh Holland
Main Idea: Leave the idol of self-preservation to trust God with a willing heart.
I. God doesn’t want what I have to offer, he wants my heart.
A. God called Moses after self-confidence was stripped away.
B. The first lesson of faith is healthy fear.
C. Identify and confess any self-sufficiency or self-righteousness.
II. Trust God with every worry.
A. Worry #1: I am not important enough.
Provision: God is with me from now on.
B. Worry #2: I have no authority.
Provision: Walk confidently in the faithful love of God.
C. Worry #3: I will be rejected.
Provision: The power to persuade belongs to God.
D. Worry #4: I lack ability.
Provision: God is able and already has the solution.
III. God exposes the real obstacle to faith.
A. Ask God for a willing heart.
B. Thank God for His patience.