November 9, 2014
Passage: 1 Timothy 3:1-7
Speaker: Pastor Bill Knepper
Main Point: Elders are good men mature enough to guard the church.
I. The church is God’s plan and design.
A. Jesus declared He would build the church. (Matthew 16:18)
B. It is the pillar & foundation of truth. (1 Timothy 3:15)
C. Jesus’ final prayer was for the church. (John 17:20-21)
II. God provided elders to care for the flock. (Acts 20:28-31)
A. Elders – older, responsible, experienced.
B. Overseers – guardians, keepers, shepherds.
C. Mountain View is elder led not elder ruled.
III. God provides guidelines for selecting elders. (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
A. He is to be above reproach.
B. He is to be the “husband of one wife”.
1. Some say he must be married.
2. Some say he must not be polygamous.
3. Some say he must not be divorced.
4. It literally translates as a “one woman man”.