May 17, 2015
Passage: Romans 8:31-39
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: Our Defender is God Himself so nothing can end His love for us.
I. We are not condemned by God the Father. (31-33)
A. God is our advocate.
B. God is our protector.
C. God is our provider.
D. God is our justifier.
II. We are not condemned by Jesus Christ. (34)
A. Jesus died for our guilt.
B. Jesus was raised to give eternal life.
C. Jesus was exalted with all .
D. Jesus intercedes for us in all things.
III. We are not condemned by circumstances. (35-39)
A. The dangers of the world cannot undo His love.
B. Our victory lives through the ashes.
C. Nothing in all creation can separate us.