February 21, 2021
Passage: Genesis 4:1-26
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Unchecked sin results in grief and generational unbelief.
I. Sin begins with one person’s lack of faith in God. (v.1-7)
A. It is good to be reminded that I need a Savior.
B. Cain’s offering was not accepted because of Cain.
C. Cain’s anger was rooted in pride and hypocrisy.
D. Sin persists when I ignore God’s Word. (cf. 1 Corinthians 10:13)
II. Unchecked sin always becomes an epidemic. (v.8-15)
A. Confess your sins to avoid being lost in denial.
B. Self-pity is the absence of humility.
C. Don’t play with sin, take temptation seriously.
III. Hard hearts can be inherited. (v.16-28)
A. Don’t hope in human philosophies, accomplishment or utopias.
(Colossians 2:8)
B. The Bible teaches devolution as the result of sin.
C. Call on the name of the Lord to be adopted into God’s family.