April 16, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 5:1-19Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Selfishness ends with hearts motivated by God’s redeeming love. I. While I work for God, He works on my heart. (1-5) A. The enemy’s favorite weapon is selfishness. B. Without humility and mercy, there is no unity. C. God tells us how we should act in…
March 26, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 4:1-23Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: We fight by faith with words of truth, prayer and encouragement. I. We are in a war of powerful words. (1-6) A. When God’s people grow, the enemy grows angry. B. Respond with prayer to persevere. (Psalm 123:3-4) C. God renews our strength from within. II.…
March 19, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 3:1-32Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: We want to see Jesus in each life, family, and in our church. I. We work to glorify God. A. Jesus did not come to maintain the status quo. (Ephesians 2:10) 1. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God…
March 12, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 2:7-20Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Obstacles are opportunities for my faith in God to grow. I. When we walk in faith, we will meet with opposition. (9-10) A. I walk in confidence knowing my King is for me. B. I need to root my identity in God who cannot be shaken. …
March 5, 2023Passage: Matthew 28:18-20Speaker: Pastor Rodney DeJagerMain Point: We have words of eternal life for a world of dying people. I. Jesus has given us a message. A. Revelation 7:9-10 B. Luke 8:14 C. Ecclesiastes 7:2 D. John 5:24; 6:40; 11:25 II. Jesus has given us a mission. A. Matthew 28:18-20 B. Acts 1:8 …
February 26, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 2:1-8Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Waiting on God in prayer and planning is not time wasted, but faith invested. I. God prepares me and my circumstances for His purpose. (1-3) A. Waiting for God’s timing is important. (Exodus 14:13; Ruth 3:18; Psalm 46:1) B. Private prayer was Nehemiah’s secret weapon. (Proverbs…
February 19, 2023Passage: Nehemiah 1:1-11Speaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: Taking my needs to God prepares my heart to do His will. I. Become aware of what the Lord wants done. (1-4) A. God puts his people in position for His purpose. (Ezekiel 22:30) B. Identify where the walls are down because of neglect or sin. …
February 12, 2023Passage: Nehemiah IntroductionSpeaker: Pastor Josh HollandMain Point: We rest in a God who redeems and restores sinful people. I. The enemy always opposes God’s good work. A. Because of sin, we were all exiled from the presence of God. B. God promises to save and bless, but I must believe. C. The enemy’s…