February 13, 2022
Passage: Genesis 33:1-20
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: Stop fretting, start rejoicing in the mighty God of grace.
I. God’s greatest miracle is heart-change. (v.1-7)
A. The eyes of faith see obstacles as opportunities for grace.
B. Unconfessed sin and resentment hardens hearts.
C. Embrace grace and be a blessing to others.
II. Stingy cowards can become courageous givers. (8-17)
A. God’s grace teaches us generosity.
B. God’ grace frees us from living in fear.
C. God had prepared Esau’s heart for Jacob’s Gospel.
D. Faithless fear stunts the growth of grace.
III. God’s grace enables heart-felt obedience. (18-20)
A. We lack peace because we strive and don’t surrender.
B. Work with God by trusting in Him.
C. Worship the God of grace.