December 11, 2016
Passage: Colossians 2:1-5
Speaker: Bill Knepper
Main Point: A satisfied heart is the fruit of grasping the truth about Jesus.
I. The Christian life is the full meal deal. (v 2-3)
A. There is encouragement in Christ.
(Support others (encourage) in the church)
B. There is unity in the body of Christ.
C. All wisdom and knowledge are in Christ.
II. Some people are confused about God’s plan. (v 4)
A. Some are misled by persuasive arguments.
B. Some are bewildered by all the choices.
(Acts 16:6-9 & map of Paul’s journey’s)
III. We teach the truth of Christ to protect the believer’s joy. (v 1, 5)
A. It is a struggle worth the effort.
B. It is a delight to see the saints mature.