September 5, 2021
Passage: Genesis 21:1-34
Speaker: Josh Holland
Main Point: There is joy, peace and life in knowing the Everlasting-God.
I. Respond to the wonderful, promise-keeping God. (1-8)
A. God’s timing is perfect
B. I can obey because of God’s great salvation.
C. Scoffing skeptics become smiling believers.
II. Appreciate the merciful, promise-protecting God. (9-21)
A. Ishmael represents the old self-life, the flesh.
B. Isaac depicts new birth in Christ.
C. Grace is for all who have faith like Abraham.
III. Reflect on what God has done. (22-34)
A. God’s work will be noticed.
B. God works his peace into my troubled life.
C. I have hope for the future because God’s love is everlasting.