Posts from April 2020

The Fence

It was early. Quiet. The smell of recent rain and fresh dirt drifted from the ground as I dug. If I hurried, I could get this thing buried and no one would know. There would be no questions, no investigations. I wanted this job to look professional. Getting this lined up had taken time. I didn’t…

The Doldrums

There is a parking lot in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Sailors in the age of sail dreaded it, calling the area near the equator the “Doldrums.” There is no wind here. A sailing ship could be stuck for weeks. Sailors risked running out of food and water. The endless heat and boredom could result in…

Last Words

John 13:1-7 Before leaving earth, Jesus gave his disciples one of the most important lessons of his teaching career. He did not use words. He washed their feet. Why did he do this? Why did God have John record this in the Bible for us? He shocked his disciples. When he got to Peter, Peter said what…

Stay the Course

Staying put is not easy. Not all of us are stuck at home. Some have “essential jobs” and are busier than ever. Either way, we all live with the tension that has our entire country—our world—holding its breath. The word from the Lord today is, “stay the course.” It is not easy. You might be feeling stuck or…